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and welcome to the first OFFICIAL company blog for Titan Energy And Motion. This is also the first blog i have ever written personally.

My name , is Michael J. Lobody. I am a disabled veteran, and inventor.

The purpose of this blog, will be to inform interested parties who wish to invest in this revolutionary technology, and to inform the general public of the developmental milestones as the company grows. I have been told, that what i am trying to do is impossible. To start a company like this , to attempt to change the way people view the

world. Well, here goes nothing....

We need to look at "the big picture". BUT, it needs to be viewed with what seems to be a dwindling resource, Good old-fashioned "Common Sense".

We DO NOT, have an unlimited supply of natural resources.

We DO NOT , have an unlimited amount of time to do something about Co2 emmissions and Global Warming. So, Logic dictates...

that we should design and USE, technology that does not pollute the atmosphere, and if possible, be self-sustaining, not needing an outside fuel source to operate. To use the phrase that makes people quiver , "Free energy". When I use this term, i am referring to technology that is capable of creating energy, mechanical, or electrical, that has no continuing cost to operate, other than the cost of building it. There are a lot of ideas like this floating around, so what makes mine different?

Put quite simply, my designs are nothing that would be considered

"conventional". Some go against laws of physics, and yet a model was built that functions and proves the theory. I spent most of my young life working in a mechanical field of one sort or another, so my designs are based on simple mechanical design, employing current technology, combined with new to create something amazing. And ..cost effective.

People say that "Free Energy" devices will destroy the economy.

People say you cant make money on free energy! Wrong on both counts. Just a little common sense applied and have a solution for that problem. Can't just blurt it out obviously, but to an investor, seeing is believing. So when the time comes, if an NDS is signed, and the interested party has the nessecary start-up funds, five minutes of your time......................could change the world .

Thank you for reading, this blog will be updated montly, so come back to see us progress.

Michael J. Lobody


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